Future energy orientation - biomass pellet fuel
* : * : admin * : 2016-10-10 * : 101
The various organisms that are produced by photosynthesis, such as the atmosphere, water, and land, are known as organic substances that have life and can grow. It includes plants, animals and microbes. In a broad sense, biomass includes all plants, microorganisms and animals that feed on plants and microbes, and the waste they produce. Representative biomass such as crops, crop waste, timber, wood waste and animal waste. Narrow, forestry biomass is mainly refers to the production process of straw, other than the food, fruit trees and so on lignocellulose (hereinafter referred to as lignin), agricultural products processing industry in the process of scraps, waste of agriculture and forestry and animal husbandry production materials such as livestock manure and waste. Their characteristics are renewable, low pollution and widespread distribution.

Prospects for development

Biomass energy is a renewable resource, which can be renewable by photosynthesis of plants, renewable energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy, and abundant resources, so as to ensure sustainable utilization of energy.

The sulfur content of biomass, low nitrogen content, SOX and NOX generated in the combustion process are less; As fuel, because it grows at the amount of carbon dioxide emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent to it, thus to approximate to zero net emissions of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which can effectively reduce the greenhouse effect.

Biomass solid fuel can with biogas, compression molding, gasification gas, gasification and power generation, to produce fuel alcohol production, pyrolysis production of biodiesel, such as form, application in all fields of national economy.

Biomass energy is the world's fourth largest energy source after coal, oil and natural gas. According to biologists, the earth's land produces between 1,000 and 125 billion tons of biomass per year; It produces 50 billion tons of biomass in a year. Biomass energy is producing far more than the world's total energy demand, equivalent to 10 times the world's total energy consumption. With the development of agriculture and forestry, especially the promotion of firewood forest, there will be more and more biomass resources.

Policy support

"The development of biomass energy technology, the twelfth five-year" key plan."

"Renewable energy development special fund management."

"Opinions on the development of bioenergy and biochem tax support policies."

"Notification of the plan for the prevention of atmospheric pollution."

"The national energy agency environmental protection department's notification of the construction of the biomass forming fuel boiler for the heating demonstration project."

"About the implementation of the UN development program, the Chinese particle fuel demonstration project"

"Twelfth five-year" goal is: China's energy structure adjustment by the year 2015, the proportion of coal in primary energy consumption dropped from more than 70% in 2009 to around 63%, natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power and other fossil fuels (mainly wind, solar, and biomass energy) of consumption would rise to 8.3% from 3.9%, 7.5% and 0.8%, 9% and 2.7%.